
What is fever?

Fever is an increase in temperature (hyperthermia), which shows that the body defends itself against an aggressor, such as a microbial infection, for example. “The intensification of the enzymatic and oxidative activity necessary for the destruction of the enemy causes the acceleration of all metabolisms (cell exchange, blood circulation, respiration rate), all of which are producing heat,” says Christopher Vasey, Naturopath and author of “fever, a friend to respect” youth editions.

The causes and symptoms associated with hecticness

The most common cause of fever is a microbial infection, but it can also be poisoning (bad food, toxic mushrooms, snake venom …), allergens in allergic individuals, or significant tissue destruction by injury Or an operation. Symptoms that accompany fever include malaise, diffuse pain in the extremities, feeling down, chills, loss of appetite and end of crisis, profuse sweating and heavy urination.

Feverish state: when should you worry?

Signs that the fever is not well tolerated are too hot (39 ° C or more) or last for a long time and run out. You may also experience intense pain, spasms, severe headaches or even a live rave episode, where your words get confused. “It is important to control the disease because the patient can lose his or her strength.” Then, the body can not effectively defend itself against the aggressor.Therefore, we must ensure that the disease remains well supported and otherwise seek Do below “
Rest and Medicinal Plants: Simple Treatments Against Fever

If you have a fever, the best remedy is to extend it to you, to rest and drink plenty of water. But remember that trying to eliminate fever is not called, because by doing this, you also cut off the defense reactions established by your body and your immune system. Only fever that is too intense and poorly tolerated (eg, culminating at 40 ° C or stagnation at 39 ° C) should be cut off. In this case, medicinal plants that are antipyretic (fever below) are recommended. “You can take the white willow or queen of the meadows in capsules sold by herbalists and pharmacies. The recommended dose is 3 to 6 capsules daily with water until low fever. Do not hesitate to consult a naturopath or pharmacist.

Hyperthermia remedies and grandmother

Cold, well proportioned hydrotherapy (treatment of water) is the best way to reduce fever without cutting it. The touch of cold water with the body lost an excess of heat from the latter, which also slows down the intensity of metabolism. The most common applications are the turns of the body parts with a damp cloth. For example, you can wrap your calves in clothes previously soaked in cold water, then lightly drained. Change the machine after a few minutes and repeat 3 to 4 times, 3 times per day. Another recipe: sneakers. This involves wrapping your feet in a cloth soaked in half the cold water mixture and the other half vinegar. Finally, you can also enclose your bust with a damp cloth.

Drugs against fever: Attention to self-medication

Paracetamol (not more than 4 g / day in adults) is the reference molecule against fever and pain, but aspirin and ibuprofen are also lowering the temperature when it is high. Before taking a medicine (without taking next 38.5 ° C without other symptoms like fever), consult your doctor or pharmacist. Above all, be careful with self-medication, which can cause you to combine several medicines not necessarily compatible.

These interactions with other medicines are known to health professionals, and were reported by the National Agency for Medication Safety (ANSM) several times. Risk confirmed in a magazine survey of 60 million consumers2, which shows that some over-the-counter cold medications can have serious side effects (neurological or cardiovascular events with products containing in particular vasoconstrictor).

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2kiGm43

what is coryza treatment?

coryza treatment

What’s coryza?

Coryza is a term that describes inflammation of the mucosa in the nasal cavity resulting from nasal congestion, loss of smell and others. . According to medical sites, it is also associated with colds or runny nose. It is a Greek word Koryza where the words “kara” and “zeein” are combined. And that means that it boils over the head.
When a person experiences the common cold, it is not always due to infection or an allergic reaction. It can also occur when a person is exposed to cold temperatures, eating spicy foods and even withdrawing narcotics. In addition, the common cold is one of the characteristics of the four Cs “measles”. Includes: cough, conjunctivitis, coryza and Koplik spots.

coryza symptoms

Having a common nose or cold can be a symptom of a particular disease or condition. The disease usually affects the respiratory system and is associated with symptoms such as:

The production of clear, yellow, light green or brown sputum or mucus
Loss of smell
sore throat
nasal congestion
Pains in the body or ailments of the body
Enlarged lymph nodes
Since the common cold is a characteristic symptom of measles, a measles person also experience the following symptoms:

Loss of appetite
runny nose
A rash that develops two to four days and starts on the face and then the trunk and arms and legs
Koplik’s point or gray spots on the inside of the cheek
Causes coryza
Allergic reactions caused by pollen, animal dander, certain foods and medicines
The flu or the flu

Treatment of coryza

Coryza is not a fatal disease. Usually, the current colds disappear even if the medication is not taken. However, to completely eradicate the feeling of discomfort for the treatment of underlying conditions could be helpful. For example, in cases where a person suffers from sinusitis or rhinitis, a person may take antibiotics, antihistamines, if allergies and even nasal irrigation. Surgery can also be done for chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. An example of surgery is FESS or functional endoscopic sinus surgery. There is a contraction of anatomical and pathological obstruction in the sinuses or other parts of the nasal area to restore normal sinus free space. However, surgeries should be performed for the patient who can not find relief is very little relief for chronic diseases.

There are also some antihistamines and antibiotics for the coryza patient experience “because of allergies such as pollen, animal dander and even food allergies. There are also decongestants that help the person to relieve colds and some nasal sprays.

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2hvw2Rs

hair loss in female: causes and treatment

hair loss

Far from my crown, my hair was the nightmare of my life. But one question still plagued me: my problem is that in the head or in my head? Although I suspect my hair has thinned for decades, few people believed me and sometimes even questioned me.

There were years when my hair seemed more complete, when it rubbed into the loops and pleasure of its apparent thickness. At other times, especially in my 30 years, I worry about the thin strands in the front of the head or when I saw too much scalp in the mirror.

My friends have always assured me that I had good hair. Most of the doctors I’ve seen have reacted in the same way despite my tears and protests. I had no visible voids or areas of baldness so I had tested the stress or my iron and thyroid levels, which seemed normal.

Part of my hair loss in recent years is easily explained. I developed an eating disorder and I remember collecting piles of hair on my carpet in the pink room when I was under-eating in my teens.

Weight loss, low iron levels, poor diet and stress as well as thyroid and hormonal imbalances can cause hair loss all over, say technologies. Hair needs a healthy diet and an endocrine system that works to flourish.

But Glenn Lyons, clinical director of the Clinical Clinic Philip Kingsley in London, said that diffuse hair loss related to problems of weight, anemia, diet and thyroid are temporary. The hair follicle is not damaged and the hair grows back or automatically once it is directed to an imbalance.

It is the same for hair loss after childbirth or after cancer treatment – in most cases, hair is restored. Even with alopecia Arcata, the sudden loss of TV presenter experienced Gail Porter hair that leaves patches of baldness, hair regrown, although the problem may reappear.

There is another type of hair loss in women, however, it is less dramatic and less visible, but it can be very painful. Flowering hair gradually, often for decades, around the upper front region that extends back to the crown. It can begin at any age, is progressive and hereditary.

“Genetic hair loss is the only hair loss in which the follicle progressively converts smaller and thinner and smaller producers and finer hair until it stops completely and then you get thinning,” says Lyons.

“He has a huge psychological impact on women because they present baldness and thinning in a similar way to men,” says Lyons, who sees women in their teens at age 80 with the disease. “There is not a week goes by when we do not get the woman in tears here. It affects self-esteem, confidence, quality of life and relationships.”

Ontogenetic alopecia, as the condition is known, is related to the male hormone, but is not caused by too much testosterone. Instead, hair follicles become sensitive because of genetic predisposition, to normal levels of male hormones in a woman’s body.

But hair loss in women is complex and Dr. Hugh Reston, a Harley Street technologist, says that 72% of women with male hormone-related hair loss are also deficient in iron: “The key is to Obtain an accurate diagnosis and to eliminate all other possible factors. “

Stress can aggravate genetic hair loss as adrenal glands or stress secrete male hormones into the body, Lyons said. Polycystic ovaries can also speed up the condition and genetic hair loss will worsen at menopause, unless treated as low estrogen levels.

I have some ovarian cysts and I have suffered with an irregular consumption, low iron content and stress. But I always suspected that there was more to it than my lightened hair. The idea that genetics finally makes sense.

My mother’s hair has been thinning for years, and her mother did too. The gene can be transmitted by one or both parents, and can affect only one sibling – my brother has a large head of hair.

Fortunately for women, female baldness is less severe than the male variety.

Lyons treats patients with scalp drops that aim to stop male hormones or androgens from damaging the follicles. For some women, technologies recommend oral contraceptives, but only those who have anti-androgens. Some contraceptives exacerbate hair loss, as some hormone replacement therapies.

Dermatologists may prescribe over-the-counter drug monoxide for the scalp, but Lyons said lotions need to contain anti-androgens to fight against genetic hair loss.

The correct treatment can restore some hair if the follicles are still alive, but if they are dead, the hair does not grow back, according to experts. The existing hair can however be maintained. The key to women’s health and self-esteem, is to take the condition early – some women may lose up to half of their hair before they even realize it.

In my case, it is clear that I have lost some of my hair forever. I have to be brief, feel good and thin and I can see too much of the scalp on top. But maybe I can do something in what remains. And even if I lose my hair, at least now I know I do not go crazy.

Facts About Hair Loss

Telegenic effluvium – general effusion of the whole head. Usually, we lose about 100 hairs a day, but sometimes accelerate speed due to stress, illness, drugs or hormones. Hair usually grows back within six months.

Ontogenetic alopecia – in women, usually fine hair at the top, front area, just behind the hairline, but it is thick at the back. An enzyme causes conversion of the male sex hormone testosterone to another hormone, dehydrates (DT), causing the hair follicles to produce finer hair until they stop.

Alopecia Arcata – an autoimmune disease that affects up to 2% of the population. It causes round patches of hair loss and can lead to total baldness. In many cases, the hair grows again.

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gf9bgQ

thyroid eye disease

thyroid eyes What is   disease?
In the disease of the eyes of the thyroid, muscles and fat tissues in the eye thyroid and eyes  cavity (orbit) become inflamed and swollen, which pushes the eyeball forward and affecting the movements of the eye. In severe cases, vision may be affected. It is usually (but not always)thyroid eyes  associated with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) – and usually with a particular cause of overactive thyroid, Graves’ disease.
Normal eye with muscles
There is little space inside the orbit, therefore, as the tissues swell, the eyeball is pushed forward. It is usually light, but in severe cases,thyroid and eyes  the eye is pushed far enough forward that the eyelids do not ferment the most efficient way. That leaves the window thyroid eyes  clear on the front of the eye (the cornea) and without dry protection. The eyeball can not move as easily as the control muscles do not work as well. When the disease is very serious, the nerve that connects the eye to the brain can be compressed and damaged.

In thyroid eye disease there is an “active phase” – a period of inflammation and swelling thyroid and eyes  – followed by a healing response.thyroid eyes
Thyroid eye disease is sometimes called by other names, such as thyroid disease, thyroid disease, Graves ‘ophthalmology,thyroid and eyes  or Graves’ ophthalmic disease. However,thyroid eyes  a significant minority of cases are not associated with Graves’ disease.

Understanding thyroid eyes  disease
The thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits near the top of the trachea (trachea) to the front of the neck. It plays an important role thyroid eyes in controlling thyroid and eyes  the rate at which chemical reactions occur in the tissues of the entire (metabolic rate) body. The thyroid gland may become excessive or deficient. This is most often due to an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune thyroid eyes  disease
Thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune disease, usually in combination with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). The immune system thyroid and eyes usually causes small proteins (antibodies) to attack germs thyroid eyes  (for example, bacteria). In autoimmune diseases, the immune system produces antibodies against body tissues. It is not clear why this happens. Some people are particularly prone to develop autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune thyroid disease occurs when the body’s antibodies attack the thyroid gland. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease. In some people, these antibodies thyroid eyes  also attack the tissues around the eyeball, which causes thyroid eye disease. It is not known why this happens in some people and not in others.thyroid and eyes

Who is developing a thyroid eye disease?

Thyroid disease is a rare thyroid eyes  Each year, affecting about 16 women and 3 men per 100 000 people. Most of these people also have a problem with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) and underlying autoimmune condition. Occasionally, thyroid disease occurs when the thyroid gland works normally. However, individuals with thyroid gland apparently normal when thyroid eyes usually thyroid and eyes  had an abnormal thyroid function in the past or continue to develop abnormal thyroid function in the future.
Thyroid eye disease usually occurs in middle age. Some people carry genes that make them more likely to develop a thyroid eye disease. It is also more likely to develop thyroid and eyes if you smoke, especially if you are a heavy smoker.thyroid eyes

What are the symptoms of thyroid eyes  disease?

Symptoms are caused by inflammation of the eye tissue and pushing the eyeball thyroid and eyes  forward:
Pain (worse in the morning) behind the eye, especially looking up, down or sideways.
The front of your eyes becomes red and irritated when sensitive transparent window of the eye (the cornea) is not so well covered and lubricated by the eyelids.
The front of the eyes can feel (and be) dry
Your eyes may thyroid eyes look larger, giving you an incredible look or looking.
You may thyroid and eyes have double vision (diploid) that muscles become too inflamed to function properly.
In advanced disease, having blurred vision and colors may seem less bright.
Slight sensitivity to light (photophobia).
Swelling and redness of the eyelids.
Difficulty moving eyes.
Both eyeballs are not always affected. You may have thyroid eyes  other non-ocular symptoms due to abnormal thyroid gland.

How is thyroid disease diagnosed?

The diagnosis can be made simply by examining the eyes if you already have a diagnosis of thyroid disease.
Blood tests
Sometimes blood tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. It examines how the thyroid gland works by measuring its thyroid eyes  chemical messengers thyroid and eyes  (hormones) in the bloodstream. These are called thyroid function tests (TAFT). More specialized blood tests can carry out to measure the antibodies in your blood.
Sometimes, you will need tests of thyroid eyes  function and absorption tests to see how the thyroid eyes  gland works. If doctors should be careful about the amount of inflammation in the eye socket (orbit), an MRI can be arranged. This was used to show that the tissue was the most affected.

other tests
Doctors want to evaluate your overall vision carefully. This will include how to see the colors and how well the corner view of your eye (peripheral vision) is. They may also thyroid eyes  want to perform the eye movement test thyroid and eyes  to see how the muscles are affected. These evaluations will be repeated over the course of the illness.
What is the treatment of thyroid eyes  disease?
Thyroid eye disease is a self limiting disease if left untreated, inflammation slowly by itself. However, physical changes caused by inflammation (for example, inflamed eyes) may remain. This is because some of the tissues that have been stretched thyroid and eyes  can not always return to their original shape. The purpose of the treatment is primarily to limit thyroid eyes the inflammation and swelling that occurs during the period of combustion and to protect the surface of the eye. There are also treatments for people whose tissues have not been able to return to their original shape after the inflammation has settled.thyroid eyes

Thyroid disease is administered by an eye specialist (ophthalmologist) and the underlying thyroid problem by your own doctor or a specialist in hormonal systems of the body (endocrinologist).thyroid eyes

pharmaceutical products
At the onset of tethered eyes  disease and where the disease is mild, artificial tears (eye lubricants) may be sufficient.
If the disease progresses,thyroid eyes  you may need immune medications. These attenuate the immune system that produces these abnormal antibodies.
The immune drugs used are steroids such as prednisone. You will receive other medicines to counteract some of the side effects of steroids, thyroid and eyes such as conversazione, a drug that protects the lining of the stomach.
If you have a serious illness and doctors are concerned about your sight, you may be admitted to the hospital for a course of steroids administered by a drip.thyroid eyes

thyroid eyes ..what to do;

surgical treatment
About 5 100 people suffering from thyroid disease have a serious illness, if the optic thyroid eyes  nerve (which connects the back of the eye to the brain) is compressed. This can damage your vision permanently. If this is the case, the doctor may decide to perform thyroid and eyes decompression surgery. This is a procedure that creates a space in the eye socket (orbit) thyroid eyes for the inflamed tissue to diffuse into. This relieves pressure on the nerve.
Some people find that once the inflammation has resolved, they are left with bulging eyes unacceptable. In some cases, surgery in the orbit will allow eyeballs to move in the sockets.
Occasionally thyroid eyes , surgery of tense muscles or eyelids is necessary to aid normal function.
Other types of treatment
If you have double vision (diploid), you may be referred to a health specialist who manages muscle problems thyroid and eyes  (optometrist). thyroid eyes They can give you modified glasses that block vision in one eye (such as a patch) parathyroid and eyes  put a special cover, called a prism, on one side to stop the diploid.
thyroid eyes ;what treatment……..
Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) can be used in some places in some people. The goal is to reduce swelling of the eyes. It is used in combination with other forms of treatment.

A number of new treatments are being studied.

Your doctors also treat any abnormal thyroid function. This is usually with the tablets, but can also include radioactive iodine or rare form, surgery ochroid eyes  the thyroid eyes gland. We know that good control of thyroid function helps reduce the severity of thyroid disease.
Is there anything I can do to treat thyroid eyes  ?
Yes. Here are some tips:

We know one thing that aggravates the disease is smoking.thyroid eyes  If you smoke, consult your doctor for help with stopping. Stopping smoking, even if you already have a thyroid eye disease, reduce the severity.
Sleeping with support will help reduce swelling (congestion) around the eyes.
You may find the light thyroid eyes  uncomfortable bright. Sunglasses help.
If you are a driver thyroid and eyes  and have double vision, do inform the VELA. It is a legal requirement. Usually,thyroid eyes  they will contact your ophthalmologist for a report. If the double vision is well controlled with prisms, it can be declared in a driving condition. Until then, you should not drive.

Are there any complications of thyroid eyes disease?
Most people do not develop permanent complications. However, when treatment is delayed or when thyroid eye disease was severe, there may thyroid and eyes  be long-lasting effects. It is also more likely in the elderly, in people who smoke, and in people with diabetes. Possible Complications:

Complications of the disease

Damage to the transparent thyroid and eyes  window (the cornea).
Standing gloss thyroid eyes  or double vision (diploid).
Damage to the nerve of the eye, resulting in poor vision or appreciation of color.
Altered appearance (more prominent eyes).
Complications of treatment
Side effects of immune drugs.
Side effects of surgery:
New double vision (about 15 100 people suffering from thyroid eye disease).
Loss of vision (less than 1 in 1000 with thyroid eye disease).
There are some other infrequent complications that the surgeon will speak to you through.
Is the outlook (prognosis) for thyroid eye disease?

Thyroid eye disease is a temporary but exhausted condition that disappears by itself. Inflamed period tends to last from months to years (usually two years), after which there is a healing response. thyroid and eyes For most people, the condition is mild, requiring thyroid eyes  lubricants and regular evaluations only. For people with more severe disease, the prognosis depends on how early it is diagnosed and how the treatment is intense. Approximately thyroid eyes 1 in 4 people suffering from serious diseases will end up with a reduced eye

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gc8GEs

AIDS……causes,Symptoms and Treatments


What is HIV / AIDS?

HIV is the virus that attacks the T cells in the immune system.
AIDS is the syndrome that appears in the advanced stages of HIV infection.
HIV is a virus.
AIDS is a medical condition.

Illustration of HIV red blood cells
HIV can be passed from one person to another through blood and sexual contact.
Infection with HIV causes the development of AIDS. However, it is possible to be infected with HIV without developing AIDS. Without treatment, HIV infection is allowed to grow and eventually become AIDS in most cases.

HIV testing can identify the infection at an early stage. This allows the patient to use prophylactics (preventive) that slow down the speed at which the virus replicates, delaying the onset of AIDS.

AIDS patients always have the HIV virus and are still infectious. A person with AIDS can transmit HIV to another person.

Causes of HIV / AIDS

HIV is a retrovirus that infects vital organs of the human immune system. The virus progresses in the absence of antimicrobial therapy. The rate of virus growth varies greatly from one individual to another and depends on many factors (patient’s age, the body’s ability to defend itself against HIV, access to healthcare, existence of coexisting infections, genetic inheritance of the person Infected, resistance to certain strains of HIV).

HIV can be transmitted through:
Sexual transmission. It can occur by contact with infected sexual secretions (rectal, genital or oral mucosa). This can happen when having unprotected sex, including vaginal, oral and anal sex toys, or sharing with a person infected with HIV.
Prenatal transmission. The mother can transmit the infection to her baby during childbirth, pregnancy, and also through breastfeeding.
The transmission of blood. The risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusions is now extremely low in developed countries, through meticulous screening and precautions. Among drug users, sharing and reusing syringes contaminated with HIV-infected blood is extremely dangerous.
With strict protection procedures, the risk of accidental infection of health personnel is low.

People who give and receive tattoos and piercings are also at risk and must be very careful

Common Myths About HIV and AIDS

There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. The virus CANNOT be transmitted from:
shaking hands
casual kissing
touching unbroken skin
using the same toilet
sharing towels
sharing cutlery
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
or other forms of “casual contact”

Symptoms of early HIV infection

Many people with HIV do not have symptoms for many years. Others may have flu-like symptoms, usually two to six weeks after contracting the virus. Symptoms may last up to four weeks.

Symptoms of HIV
Symptoms of early HIV infection may include:

shaking chills
Pain in the joints
Muscle pain
sore throat
Sweating (especially at night)
Enlargement of the glands
A red rash
the weakness
weight loss


from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gpkRtr

3 Simple Steps to lose weight fast


There are many ways to lose weight quickly.

However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied.

If you do not have the iron will, then hunger will make you give up those plans quickly.

The plan describes here:

Reduce appetite significantly.
They make you lose weight quickly, without hunger.
Improve your metabolic health simultaneously.
Here is a simple 3 step plan to lose weight fast.

1. Cutting sugars and starches

The most important part is the reduction of sugars and starches (carbohydrates).

These are foods that stimulate insulin secretion more. If you do not already know, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.

When insulin decreases, fat has an easier time to get out of fat stores and the body starts burning fat instead of carbohydrates.

Another benefit of insulin reduction is that the kidneys remove excess sodium and water from your body, which reduces swelling and weight of unnecessary water (1, 2).

It is not uncommon to lose weight to 10 pounds (sometimes more) in the first week of eating this way, both body fat and water weight.

The low-carbohydrate group is eating fullness, while the calorie low-fat group is restricted and hungry.

Cut out carbohydrates, lower your insulin and you will start eating fewer calories without hunger and automatic (4).

In other words, reducing insulin causes fat loss to “autopilot”.

Conclusion: Removing sugars and starches (carbohydrates) from your diet will reduce insulin levels, kills your appetite and make you lose weight without starving yourself.

2. Eat Protein, Fats and Vegetables to lose weight

Each meal should include a source of protein, a source of vegetable fats and low in carbohydrates. Prepare your meals this way will automatically bring your carbohydrate intake within the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.

Protein sources:

Meat – Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.
Fish and seafood – salmon, trout, shrimp, lobster, etc.
Eggs – Eggs enriched with omega-3 fatty acids or grazing are the best.
The importance of eating a lot of protein can not be overstated.

This has been shown to stimulate the metabolism of 80 to 100 calories per day (5, 6, 7).

High protein diets can also reduce obsessive thoughts about 60% food, reduce the desire for snack late in the middle of the night, and make you so full that you automatically eat 441 calories a day just by adding Of … proteins to their diet (8, 9)) and all this may help you to lose weight fast.

When it comes to lose weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.

what to eat to lose weight?

Vegetables Low in Carbohydrates:
The vegetable
Brussels sprouts
Complete list here.

Do not be afraid to load your plate with vegetables at these low carb. You can eat large amounts of them without having to spend more than 20-50 net carbs per day.

A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber to lose weight, vitamins and minerals you need for good health. There is no physiological need for grain in the diet.

Almond Earrings
the best way to lose weight:
Sources of fat:

Olive oil
coconut oil
Avocado oil
Eat 2-3 meals a day. If you get hungry in the afternoon, add a fourth meal.

Do not be afraid to eat fat, trying to make both low carb and low fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan.

The best cooking fat used is coconut oil. It is rich in fats called triglyceride medium chain (CT). These fats are more satisfactory than others and may slightly increase metabolism (10, 11).

There is no reason to fear these natural fats, new studies show that saturated fat does not increase the risk of heart disease at all (12, 13).

To see how you can assemble your meal, check out this low carbohydrate eating plan and this low carbohydrate recipe list.

Conclusion: Mount each meal with a source of protein, a source of vegetable fat and a low carbohydrate. This will help you to lose weight and will put you in the range of 20-50 grams of carbohydrates and significantly lower your insulin levels

3. Lift weights 3 times a week

you have to do this to lose weight


You do not need to exercise to lose weight with this plan, but it is advisable.

The best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Make a warm atmosphere, lifting weights and stretching.

If you are new to the gym, ask a trainer.

Weightlifting, which will burn off some calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of weight loss (14, 15).

Studies of low carbohydrate diets show that you can even gain some muscle while losing large amounts of body fat (16) this is important to lose weight.

If lifting weights is not an option for you, then do some easy cardio exercises such as running, jogging, swimming or walking you will do.

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2fVmHGj

7 reasons Teenagers Should Play Sports

tennager sport

More and more teenagers pass the opportunity to practice the sport – and this is not good!

It is a bit worrisome to know that if most teens between the ages of 13 and 17 are physically capable, only 40% of them are active in any sporting activity, sport or recreation. Unfortunately, the downward trend could continue because young people today are drawn to “activities” that require the movement of a hand, such as video games, social networks or surfing the Internet.

If you are a pre-teen or teenager and you have not played a sport, it’s the perfect time to try! Beyond the simple pleasure of playing, there are many other good reasons to join a sport. Here are just seven of them.

1. You will be healthier.

Sports require you to move your body, and it is a known fact that exercise is good for your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, physical activity helps control weight, health conditions and combat illnesses, improves mood, increases energy and promotes better sleep. The health benefits of participating in sports far outweigh the risk of actual injury.

2. You will be smarter.

Many studies show that practicing sports can actually increase your mental power. A report from the Institute of Medicine said: Children who are more active show more attention, have faster cognitive processing speed, and perform better on standardized academic tests than children who are less active.

This should not be too surprising that exercise increases blood flow to the brain, and blood flow to the brain stimulates brain growth. In addition, playing a sport really avoids the need to think about your feet and strategies, keeping your mind sharp and alert.

3-Tennis MMA. You learn teamwork and sportsmanship.

In sports, people learn to trust each other and motivate others to achieve a common goal. Even though individual sports are great, team sports do not really teach you a life lesson: the success of a team – or an organization – depends on how players work together. Not even the “star” player can only win the game.

The sport also teaches you how to play fairly and respect the players of the opposing team. Cheating, gloating and fighting are not part of sports – or in the professional world, for that matter. Sports that teach you to put forth your best effort and expose honorable behavior if you win or lose a game.

4. You are going to make friends.

When you join a sports team, you will inevitably happen friends. Because your teammates share so much fun and exciting time, friendships should last a long time when their playback ends. There is also an added bonus: most teams traditionally leave space after a match!

5. You learn to concentrate and manage your time.

Sports require time and commitment, but most players get better at school and are more likely to be involved in clubs or community services. How is it possible? Play a sport that requires two teenagers to develop important skills: focus and time management. Concentration and time management are crucial characteristics of the people who carry out their tasks and carry out their short and long term goals.

6-you will strengthen your resume in college.

Although it should not be the main reason to join a sport, it is a fact that universities will favor candidates who are well rounded. Practicing a sport will not only pad your resume, it will usually tell the admissions counselor that you are disciplined, confident and work well with others.

It can be said to be a potential senior student … who has the potential for leadership.

7. You will have an advantage in the workplace.

In fact, there are studies that show that girls and boys playing sports are more likely to land employment status higher than those who do not.

According to a study by Cornell University, teens who develop sports have developed stronger, better teamed leadership skills and have demonstrated greater confidence. The study also said: “Participation in competitive youth sports” overflow “with professionally advantageous traits that persist in a person’s life.
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from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gOd3VX


Acne is common and is usually treatable. You may need treatment for several months to clean the spots. Inflamed acne should be treated in time to prevent scarring. Once the stains are gone, you can have the necessary maintenance treatment for several years to keep the stains away.

Acne and who gives it?

Acne is a common cause blemishes. Most acne sufferers are between 12 and 25 years old, but some older and younger people are affected. Children are more affected than girls. Acne usually affects the face, but can also affect the back, neck and chest. Severity can range from mild to severe. About 8 out of 10 teenagers suffer some degree of acne. It is often sweet. However, it is estimated that about 3 in 10 teenagers have acne so bad as to need treatment to prevent scarring. If untreated acne usually lasts about 4-5 years before settling in. However, it can take years in some cases.

What Causes Acne?

Normal skin and acne skin
Normal skin understanding
Small sebaceous glands lie just below the surface of the skin. These glands are the oil (sebum) that keeps the skin smooth and smooth. Small pores (holes) in the skin allow the sebum to come on the surface of the skin. The bristles also grow through these pores. During adolescence, he does a lot more sebum than when he was a child. This is due to the hormonal changes of puberty that stimulate the sebaceous glands. Usually, the more sebum you make, the more fat and the worse acne skin feels likely to be. Some people make more tallow than others.

Mild to moderate acne – pimples, whiteheads and blackheads
Some pores are blocked (clogged). This is due to the skin on the top of the pores being thicker, in combination with the dead skin cells that are filled in the pores. You can see the plugs that block the pores as small white dots known black and (comedones). Note: black dots are due to pigmentation of the skin and dirt is not as some people think. In many cases, acne does not progress beyond this step lightly.

Some sebum can build up in blocked pores. It can be seen as small spots called grains or papules. In some cases, acne does not progress past the stage of mild to moderate when you can see a series of blackheads, blackheads and whites.

Moderate to severe acne – most important tasks and inflammation
Prisoner tallow is ideal for a germ (bacteria) called Propionibacterium acnes to live and multiply. A small number of these bacteria normally live on the skin and do no harm. However, if a large number grows in trapped sebum, the immune system may react and cause inflammation. If the inflammation develops, it causes the surrounding skin to turn red and the spots become larger and full of pus (pustules). In some cases, pustules become even larger and formed into small nodules and cysts.

Each element lit the time heals. In some cases, the area of ​​skin that has become inflamed remains discolored for several months after the inflammation has subsided (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation). This is often more noticeable in people with darker skin. In addition, a small mark by the scar usually is left on the skin where there was an inflamed place. These small scars are often not completely erased and are a marker on the old man who had once inflamed acne spots.

The Unusual Causes of Acne
The above description is the cause of almost all cases of acne. Rarely, certain diseases among young people and women can cause acne or worse acne. For example, polycystic ovarian syndrome and conditions that cause excess male hormone in the adrenal gland or ovary. These conditions cause other symptoms besides acne, hair loss like the scalp, excessive growth of hair on the face or body (hirsutism), and other problems. Another rare cause of acne is exposure to chemicals that occur in some workplaces (halocarbons).

Some Badly Maintained Acne Myths
Acne is not caused by poor hygiene. In fact, excessive washing can aggravate it.
Stress does not cause acne.
Acne is not just a simple skin infection. The cause is a complex interaction of hormonal changes, sebum, proliferation of normally innocuous germs (bacteria), inflammation, etc. (previously described). You can not catch acne – it is not spread by contact (contagious).
Acne can not be cured by drinking lots of water.
There is no evidence to say that sunbathing or sunbathing will help clean acne.
Some people believe that acne can not be helped by medical treatment. That’s not true. Treatments generally work well if used correctly.

What aggravates acne?
*The single pill progestin can aggravate acne.
*In women, hormonal changes throughout the menstrual period can cause an asthma attack points.
*Thick or greasy distribution can, perhaps, worsen acne. However, most makeup does not affect acne. You can use makeup to cover some spots of light. Non-comedogenic or free oil are more useful for acne prone skin types.
*Picking and squeezing blemishes can cause inflammation and additional scars.
*Sweating a lot or wet conditions could make acne worse. For example, doing regular work in hot kitchens. Extra sweat can help block the pores.
*Stains can develop under tight clothing. For example, under the banner, tight bra straps, tight collars, etc. This may be due to increased sweating and friction under tight clothing.
*Some medications can aggravate acne. For example, phenytoin (which some people take for epilepsy) and steroids creams and ointments that are used for eczema. An alternative may be an option.
*Anabolic steroids (taken illegally by some bodybuilders) can aggravate acne.
Diets high in sugar and dairy products were thought to worsen acne, but research has not been able to find evidence of support.

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gRyn9c

Allergic Conjunctivitis

Allergic Conjunctivitis

what is allergic conjunctivitis,?
When the eyes are exposed to substances like pollen or mold spores, they can become red, itchy and watery. These are the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye caused by an allergic reaction to substances such as pollen or mold spores.

The inside of the eyelids and the roof of the eyeball have a membrane called the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is susceptible to allergens from irritation, especially during the hay fever season. Allergic conjunctivitis is quite common. It is the reaction of your body to the substances you consider potentially dangerous.

What  are the types of allergic conjunctivitis?

Allergic conjunctivitis is divided into two main types:

Acute allergic conjunctivitis
It is a short-term condition that is most common during the allergy season. Her eyelids swell suddenly, itching and burning. You may also have a watery nose.

Chronic allergic conjunctivitis
A less common condition called chronic allergic conjunctivitis can occur year round. This is a smoother response to allergens such as food, dust and dander from animals. The most common symptoms come and go, but they include burning and itching of the eyes and sensitivity to light.

What are the causes of allergic conjunctivitis?

He experiences allergic conjunctivitis when the body tries to defend itself against a perceived threat. It did so in response to the factors that trigger histamine release. The body produces this very strong chemical substance to fight against foreign invaders. Some of the substances that cause this reaction are:

House dust
Pollen, trees, grass
Mold spores
Hair of the pets
Fragrance chemicals such as household detergents or fragrances
Some people may also experience allergic conjunctivitis in reaction to certain medications or substances fallen into the eyes, such as a solution for contact lenses or eye drops.

Who is at risk for allergic conjunctivitis?

Allergic people are more likely to develop allergic conjunctivitis. According to the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation, allergies affect 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children, and often occur in families.

Allergies affect people of all ages, although they are more common in children and young adults. If you have allergies and live in areas with high pollen content, you are more susceptible to allergic conjunctivitis.

What are the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis?

Red eyes, itching, tearing and burning are common symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. You may also wake up in the morning with puffy eyes.

How is allergic conjunctivitis diagnosed?

Your doctor will examine your eyes and look at your allergy history. Redness of the whites of the eye and bumps on the inside of the eyelids are visible signs of conjunctivitis. The doctor can also order the following tests:

A skin allergy test exposes the skin to specific allergens and allows your doctor to examine your body’s reaction, which may include swelling and redness.
A blood test may be recommended to see if your body produces proteins or antibodies, to protect against specific allergens such as mold or dust.
Scratching the conjunctiva tissue can be taken to check your white blood cells. Audiophiles are white blood cells that are activated when you have allergies.


How is allergic conjunctivitis treated?

There are many treatment methods available for allergic conjunctivitis:

Home care
Treating allergic conjunctivitis involves a combination of strategies and prevention activities to alleviate your symptoms. To minimize exposure to allergens:

Close the windows when the number of pollen is high
Keep your home dust free
Use an indoor air purifier
Avoid exposure to chemicals, dyes and perfumes
To relieve your symptoms, avoid rubbing your eyes. Applying a cold compress to the eyes can also help reduce swelling and itching.

pharmaceutical products;

In the most problematic cases, home care may not be adequate. You should consult a doctor, who can recommend the following:

An oral or over the counter antihistamine to reduce or block the release of histamine
Eye drops anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory
Eye drops to contract congested blood vessels
Eye drops of steroids

 The Long Term;

What are the long-term prospects?
With proper treatment, you may experience relief or at least reduce your symptoms. Exposure to the allergen recurrent, however, is likely to trigger the same symptoms in the future.


How to prevent allergic conjunctivitis?
Completely avoiding environmental factors that cause allergic conjunctivitis can be difficult. The best thing you can do is limit your exposure to triggers. For example, if you know you are allergic to house dust or perfume, you can try to minimize your exposure by using unscented soaps and detergents. You may also consider installing an air purifier in your home.

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gGsO0I

Outer Ear Parts – External Ear Anatomy, Diagram and Pictures

ear parts

The external ear is formed by the auricular pavilion, the external auditory canal and the lateral surface of the tympanic membrane. Its function is that of the sound waves trap (auricle) and it will send it to the inner ear through the channel and making vibrate the eardrum.


The outer part of the outer ear cover is referred to as the headband or earphone. It traps sound waves in the environment and directs it into the ear canal. The earphone is composed of elastic cartilage covered by a thin layer of skin. The known lobe lower part (common name ~ lobe of the ear) is made up of vessels of fibrous tissue, fat and blood.

Ear tips:

The outer margin of the ear is known as the propeller and the high inner margin is anti-propeller. The deeper depression leading to the ear canal is known as the conch. The swallow is the small lateral cartilage that can be pushed down to block the opening of the ear canal.

The external auditory canal:

The auditory canal extends from the carcass to the drum (lateral side of the tympanic membrane) and is known as the external acoustic meatus. It is directed inwards through the temporal bone of the skull (tympanic part) and is about 2 to 3 centimeters long,

The ear canal is a form of S tunnel. The third exterior consists of duplicate cartilage skin that is similar to the auricle skin. The sebaceous and cerumen glands in the third cerumen external products (cerumen). Both are interior third bone and lined with finer skin.


The eardrum (tympanic membrane) divides the outer ear from the middle ear. This is a thin membrane about 1 centimeter in diameter. The lateral part of the tympanic membrane, which faces the auditory canal is lined with a thin skin that continues with the skin of the inner two thirds of the ear canal.

The best description for the eardrum is that it looks like a parabolic antenna. It is therefore concave through the ear canal, which resembles the back of a parabolic antenna with a central depression known as the umbo.

The tympanic membrane moves in and out in response to vibration, similar to that of the speakers. Due to the chain of auditory ossicles, which are attached to the medial surface of the eardrum, the membrane transmits the movement to the inner ear force in which it can be converted into electrical impulses and passed to the brain.

from brefhealth http://ift.tt/2gq9Rwi