thyroid eye disease

thyroid eyes What is   disease?
In the disease of the eyes of the thyroid, muscles and fat tissues in the eye thyroid and eyes  cavity (orbit) become inflamed and swollen, which pushes the eyeball forward and affecting the movements of the eye. In severe cases, vision may be affected. It is usually (but not always)thyroid eyes  associated with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) – and usually with a particular cause of overactive thyroid, Graves’ disease.
Normal eye with muscles
There is little space inside the orbit, therefore, as the tissues swell, the eyeball is pushed forward. It is usually light, but in severe cases,thyroid and eyes  the eye is pushed far enough forward that the eyelids do not ferment the most efficient way. That leaves the window thyroid eyes  clear on the front of the eye (the cornea) and without dry protection. The eyeball can not move as easily as the control muscles do not work as well. When the disease is very serious, the nerve that connects the eye to the brain can be compressed and damaged.

In thyroid eye disease there is an “active phase” – a period of inflammation and swelling thyroid and eyes  – followed by a healing response.thyroid eyes
Thyroid eye disease is sometimes called by other names, such as thyroid disease, thyroid disease, Graves ‘ophthalmology,thyroid and eyes  or Graves’ ophthalmic disease. However,thyroid eyes  a significant minority of cases are not associated with Graves’ disease.

Understanding thyroid eyes  disease
The thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits near the top of the trachea (trachea) to the front of the neck. It plays an important role thyroid eyes in controlling thyroid and eyes  the rate at which chemical reactions occur in the tissues of the entire (metabolic rate) body. The thyroid gland may become excessive or deficient. This is most often due to an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune thyroid eyes  disease
Thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune disease, usually in combination with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). The immune system thyroid and eyes usually causes small proteins (antibodies) to attack germs thyroid eyes  (for example, bacteria). In autoimmune diseases, the immune system produces antibodies against body tissues. It is not clear why this happens. Some people are particularly prone to develop autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune thyroid disease occurs when the body’s antibodies attack the thyroid gland. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease. In some people, these antibodies thyroid eyes  also attack the tissues around the eyeball, which causes thyroid eye disease. It is not known why this happens in some people and not in others.thyroid and eyes

Who is developing a thyroid eye disease?

Thyroid disease is a rare thyroid eyes  Each year, affecting about 16 women and 3 men per 100 000 people. Most of these people also have a problem with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) and underlying autoimmune condition. Occasionally, thyroid disease occurs when the thyroid gland works normally. However, individuals with thyroid gland apparently normal when thyroid eyes usually thyroid and eyes  had an abnormal thyroid function in the past or continue to develop abnormal thyroid function in the future.
Thyroid eye disease usually occurs in middle age. Some people carry genes that make them more likely to develop a thyroid eye disease. It is also more likely to develop thyroid and eyes if you smoke, especially if you are a heavy smoker.thyroid eyes

What are the symptoms of thyroid eyes  disease?

Symptoms are caused by inflammation of the eye tissue and pushing the eyeball thyroid and eyes  forward:
Pain (worse in the morning) behind the eye, especially looking up, down or sideways.
The front of your eyes becomes red and irritated when sensitive transparent window of the eye (the cornea) is not so well covered and lubricated by the eyelids.
The front of the eyes can feel (and be) dry
Your eyes may thyroid eyes look larger, giving you an incredible look or looking.
You may thyroid and eyes have double vision (diploid) that muscles become too inflamed to function properly.
In advanced disease, having blurred vision and colors may seem less bright.
Slight sensitivity to light (photophobia).
Swelling and redness of the eyelids.
Difficulty moving eyes.
Both eyeballs are not always affected. You may have thyroid eyes  other non-ocular symptoms due to abnormal thyroid gland.

How is thyroid disease diagnosed?

The diagnosis can be made simply by examining the eyes if you already have a diagnosis of thyroid disease.
Blood tests
Sometimes blood tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. It examines how the thyroid gland works by measuring its thyroid eyes  chemical messengers thyroid and eyes  (hormones) in the bloodstream. These are called thyroid function tests (TAFT). More specialized blood tests can carry out to measure the antibodies in your blood.
Sometimes, you will need tests of thyroid eyes  function and absorption tests to see how the thyroid eyes  gland works. If doctors should be careful about the amount of inflammation in the eye socket (orbit), an MRI can be arranged. This was used to show that the tissue was the most affected.

other tests
Doctors want to evaluate your overall vision carefully. This will include how to see the colors and how well the corner view of your eye (peripheral vision) is. They may also thyroid eyes  want to perform the eye movement test thyroid and eyes  to see how the muscles are affected. These evaluations will be repeated over the course of the illness.
What is the treatment of thyroid eyes  disease?
Thyroid eye disease is a self limiting disease if left untreated, inflammation slowly by itself. However, physical changes caused by inflammation (for example, inflamed eyes) may remain. This is because some of the tissues that have been stretched thyroid and eyes  can not always return to their original shape. The purpose of the treatment is primarily to limit thyroid eyes the inflammation and swelling that occurs during the period of combustion and to protect the surface of the eye. There are also treatments for people whose tissues have not been able to return to their original shape after the inflammation has settled.thyroid eyes

Thyroid disease is administered by an eye specialist (ophthalmologist) and the underlying thyroid problem by your own doctor or a specialist in hormonal systems of the body (endocrinologist).thyroid eyes

pharmaceutical products
At the onset of tethered eyes  disease and where the disease is mild, artificial tears (eye lubricants) may be sufficient.
If the disease progresses,thyroid eyes  you may need immune medications. These attenuate the immune system that produces these abnormal antibodies.
The immune drugs used are steroids such as prednisone. You will receive other medicines to counteract some of the side effects of steroids, thyroid and eyes such as conversazione, a drug that protects the lining of the stomach.
If you have a serious illness and doctors are concerned about your sight, you may be admitted to the hospital for a course of steroids administered by a drip.thyroid eyes

thyroid eyes ..what to do;

surgical treatment
About 5 100 people suffering from thyroid disease have a serious illness, if the optic thyroid eyes  nerve (which connects the back of the eye to the brain) is compressed. This can damage your vision permanently. If this is the case, the doctor may decide to perform thyroid and eyes decompression surgery. This is a procedure that creates a space in the eye socket (orbit) thyroid eyes for the inflamed tissue to diffuse into. This relieves pressure on the nerve.
Some people find that once the inflammation has resolved, they are left with bulging eyes unacceptable. In some cases, surgery in the orbit will allow eyeballs to move in the sockets.
Occasionally thyroid eyes , surgery of tense muscles or eyelids is necessary to aid normal function.
Other types of treatment
If you have double vision (diploid), you may be referred to a health specialist who manages muscle problems thyroid and eyes  (optometrist). thyroid eyes They can give you modified glasses that block vision in one eye (such as a patch) parathyroid and eyes  put a special cover, called a prism, on one side to stop the diploid.
thyroid eyes ;what treatment……..
Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) can be used in some places in some people. The goal is to reduce swelling of the eyes. It is used in combination with other forms of treatment.

A number of new treatments are being studied.

Your doctors also treat any abnormal thyroid function. This is usually with the tablets, but can also include radioactive iodine or rare form, surgery ochroid eyes  the thyroid eyes gland. We know that good control of thyroid function helps reduce the severity of thyroid disease.
Is there anything I can do to treat thyroid eyes  ?
Yes. Here are some tips:

We know one thing that aggravates the disease is smoking.thyroid eyes  If you smoke, consult your doctor for help with stopping. Stopping smoking, even if you already have a thyroid eye disease, reduce the severity.
Sleeping with support will help reduce swelling (congestion) around the eyes.
You may find the light thyroid eyes  uncomfortable bright. Sunglasses help.
If you are a driver thyroid and eyes  and have double vision, do inform the VELA. It is a legal requirement. Usually,thyroid eyes  they will contact your ophthalmologist for a report. If the double vision is well controlled with prisms, it can be declared in a driving condition. Until then, you should not drive.

Are there any complications of thyroid eyes disease?
Most people do not develop permanent complications. However, when treatment is delayed or when thyroid eye disease was severe, there may thyroid and eyes  be long-lasting effects. It is also more likely in the elderly, in people who smoke, and in people with diabetes. Possible Complications:

Complications of the disease

Damage to the transparent thyroid and eyes  window (the cornea).
Standing gloss thyroid eyes  or double vision (diploid).
Damage to the nerve of the eye, resulting in poor vision or appreciation of color.
Altered appearance (more prominent eyes).
Complications of treatment
Side effects of immune drugs.
Side effects of surgery:
New double vision (about 15 100 people suffering from thyroid eye disease).
Loss of vision (less than 1 in 1000 with thyroid eye disease).
There are some other infrequent complications that the surgeon will speak to you through.
Is the outlook (prognosis) for thyroid eye disease?

Thyroid eye disease is a temporary but exhausted condition that disappears by itself. Inflamed period tends to last from months to years (usually two years), after which there is a healing response. thyroid and eyes For most people, the condition is mild, requiring thyroid eyes  lubricants and regular evaluations only. For people with more severe disease, the prognosis depends on how early it is diagnosed and how the treatment is intense. Approximately thyroid eyes 1 in 4 people suffering from serious diseases will end up with a reduced eye

from brefhealth

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